The Miraculous MMAD Order System

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A fellow student and I implemented the system in dBASE III Plus on a PS2/30. The system consisted of 10,000 lines of code and 138 programs. I wrote half of them and had my finger in almost all of them to make sure of consistency. I used a program called Snap to produce the system documentation and used Word and screen captures to write a user manual that walked stores personnel through the entire order cycle.

Although we used dBASE III Plus to implement the system, we elected to use the Xbase programming language to write a lot of the code ourselves for flexibility and optimization purposes. Eventually I ported the entire system to Fox Pro so that it could run on either a Macintosh or a Windows platform, and Purdue's central Information Technology department modified their mainframe system to allow the order system to upload directly to it, eliminating the need for double data entry on both systems.

In case you arrived here through the back door ...