Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Purdue Office of Research Administration (ORA)

HTML, Perl, and Javascript Programming.

I worked a one-year graduate assistantship as a training specialist at Purdue's Office of Research Compliance. During that time, I did a lot of work (along with their web people) on their website. Two of my suggestions which have been implemented are getting an easily remembered and accessible domain name http://www.irb.purdue.edu, and providing a search engine for visitors to use which at the time searched just that site. We also started to redesign website content to visually (and more simply) guide researchers through the maze of federal regulations and Purdue's human subject approval process by providing an interactive IRB tool.

In March of 2003 we launched a quarterly e-newsletter IRB news to keep researchers uptodate on regulations for use of human subjects. I also helped develop some web-based multimedia educational materials for prospective human subjects on their rights and responsibilities. This is linked to on the IRB's main website http://www.irb.purdue.edu under information for research participants. I also worked with Purdue's Animal Care and Use Committee to develop in WebCT Vista an online orientation on the humane care and use of research animals for lab assistants and students who worked in the labs Click here for an early prototype of the training.