Lab Machine Ident Tag

Purdue Instructional Labs (ICD)

Winbatch programming, Windows registry, PERL and HTML, SQL and Access, Sassafras KeyServer, Unix Shell Scripting, NFS, Client-Server, Enterprise-wide.

I worked six years for ICD which came under the umbrella of the Purdue Computing Center, a large organization that served the computing needs for the academic side of the university. ICD supported and managed over 90 instructional labs located in the various academic buildings, the union, and the dorms. The instructional labs comprised over 2000 windows, macintosh, and sun systems. My duties included bringing up new labs, overseeing the Trouble System, fixing machines that were down, installing software in accordance with faculty's needs and software license agreements, and upgrading operating systems. I also was responsible for administering Sassafras KeyServer, a software usage monitoring program to ensure compliance with software licenses. I did a fair amount of Winbatch Programming and developed the code for pulling down zipped software installs from the server and automatically updating the Windows 95 Start Menu.