Mice looking at Boa Map

This is a rough initial prototype of instruction on the humane care and use of animals in research. You may click on the first link below to get started. You may return to this course map from any point within the instruction. For now this instruction is a work in progress and is best viewed in Internet Explorer 5.0 or above and at 1024x768 screen resolution. Otherwise, you'll probably have to do a lot of scrolling and moving of windows. Eeeew. :}


  1. PACUC/LAP Orientation Goals
  2. PACUC/LAP Orientation Background
  3. PACUC/LAP Orientation - Our Foundational Sources
  4. PACUC/LAP Orientation Stakes
  5. PACUC/LAP Orientation - Training and Qualifications
  6. PACUC/LAP Orientation Organization Chart
  7. PACUC/LAP Orientation - Roles of PACUC
  8. PACUC/LAP Orientation - Roles of LAP
  9. PACUC/LAP Orientation - Reporting Concerns
  10. PACUC/LAP Orientation - Occupational Health and Safety Program
  11. PACUC/LAP Orientation - Occupational Health Program page 2
  12. PACUC/LAP Orientation - Five things you should know
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